I wish I could go back, and tell myself,
- the boy you thought you couldn't live without actually doesn't mean that much to you after all.
- you're a clever girl. don't waste your wits on things that harms you.
- you're never as bad as people say you are and never as good as you think you are.
- you're a super accident prone kid.
- you're an artsy person, do not try to fit your artistic brain into a systematic calculative mould
- your "best friend" will not be your "best friends forever", friends come and go, but do identify the keepers.
- let your heart flutter and stomach turn when you can, because when you're 20 something it'll feel like stagnant water
- people leave.
- but your parents will stand by you no matter what, so put them before anyone else and love them the most-est-est.
- You dream in colour, but that doesn't mean your reality will forever be inferior to your dreams.
- there will come a time when you stop believing in the "fairytale love" crap, and someone will tell you fairytales are full of shit. believe him.
- try not to mess up your life at any point okay? been there done that, not fun.
- people whom you look down upon may at one point (okay a looong point) be better than you. so don't judge.
- maybe you're an all rounder, but have patience to really learn something before getting involved in something else. you may hate techniques and basics but that's the flow girl..
- you think you have all the time in the world, but i'm feeling pretty old at 21. cherish time.
- love the oldest people you know, you have such a short time to learn so much from them.
- you may have started with them on the same white line, but now most of them are flying and you're crawling. pick yourself up and run. maybe you've been crawling with your wings.
- i love you alot.
- don't live to please anyone else because it's your life, not theirs.
- you're meant to fly, baby panda ;)