Just had a conversation with Chrissypok.
and i've decided that my main goal in life is to have a British husband,
and Chrissy is here to enforce this by slapping me when i go gaga over any korean actor.
can you imagine when we wake up in the morning (me and my british husband that is)
"Oh what a marvellous morning! The sun looks splendid filtering through the clouds! Did you have amble rest? Care for some tea my dear?
Siddo Kalliovski

Finally did an artwork inspired by Siddo from "The Red Necklace"
Well she isn't my favourite character in the book, cuz she is kinda soft and weak-ish.
She's the only girl that Sally Gardner gave enough descriptions about for me to draw.
Black hair, blue eyes, and .. sad and depressed.
This was supposed to be Aurore actually.
Aurore is my character i created cuz i don't think Siddo deserved Count Kalliovski.
I thought the Count may be more attracted to a more feisty girl.
I'm working on the next two pictures now!
p.s Inspired by Bleak Mourning by Strangeling Siddo's mouth inspired by Mark Ryden
Strangeling's works and Mark Ryden are both Surrealists.
Their works are similar, Strangeling's less proportionate as compared to Mark Ryden's, and she uses darker more gothic colours.
so glad i found an artist like her in the interweb.
Labels: art, artist, drawing, work

"Mon Cheri, it's time."
Aurore wiped a tear from her eye. She stood up, inhaled deeply and adjusted her corset.
Her silver boudoir mirror was blurred by a morose fog.
She dressed in the finest silk dress and adjusted the peach coloured rose on her bodice.
"You're taking awfully long to get ready."
He swept through the door.
In a few large strides he was near her, and seized her waist from behind.
His icy cold lips grazed the back of her neck.
Aurore's retaliations died in her throat.
"I will be the first man to kiss you,
To bed you.
whether you come willingly or not.
You will be mine.
and mine alone.
Do you understand?"
She stood upright and rigid, every single bone in her body frozen in its socket.
Her feeble murmur trembled like a falling leaf.
"Good. Now we must leave."
With a final look at her luxuriously furnished boudoir, she closed the door behind her and followed Count Kalliovski down the steps.
Each step seems to bring her nearer to her demise.
She could feel the icy cold flames leaping from the stairwells.
A deafening crash resounded within the marble walls of the chapel jolted Aurore awake.
"I'm terribly sorry about it Mademoiselle."
The hair dresser bent down to pick up the tray of combs and hair accessories.
She combed long ice blond hair was worn long, twisted and wound with ribbons,
coiled and pinned up.
She is a sight to behold.
The evening sun filtered through the stained glass windows and shone on Aurore's face.
Her aristocratic features are became more prominent in he light.
Her black eyes were down cast and her long lashes framed them like wide spread fans.
She stared at the hungarian rose bouquet in her hands.
This is it.
She is going to throw herself away,
into the arms of the devil.
Many were present at the reception, clapping emotionlessly.
The words "I do" escaped her mouth, barely audible, but still heard.
As the priest closed the bible, something broke inside of her.
Something final, like a fullstop to her life.
The chandelier swayed in the night wind. The light flickered.
Count Kalliovski took off his feathered hat in disdain.
Aurore watched silently as he unbuttoned his jacket, his long lean fingers dancing around the gold buttons.
Suddenly stopped midway, pausing dramatically.
"Undress me."
He stared Aurore straight in the eye.
Her fingers trembling, she started where he left off.
His jacket is made of the finest dark blue velvet, intricately embroidered with silver vines.
Kalliovski shook off his jacket impatiently waved at her to put it away.
She stood beside the door, praying silently that he will let her go.
It's the money he wants, not me.
He motioned her to come over.
"It has come to my attention, that I'm still in my waist coat. I don't feel very..
She fumbled with the button.
His hand closed on her wrist, and the other went straight for her neck.
He grabbed her jaw with his right hand, fingers closing around her skin like a vice.
"Such soft skin.. like velvet.
I've never got around to tell you how very much taken I am to your rare beauty, mon cherie.
It's our wedding night.
We're, expected, to consummate.
It means, you'll have to pleasure me."
"I don't know how to sir."
Aurore's voice echoing with desperation, her eyes smarting with tears.
She felt like a caged prey, her predator circling around her, preparing to tear her into pieces after he had his fun.
"Alas. Such innocence."
Labels: kalliovski, story

So many photo heavy posts this week ^^
These are some wedding photos taken in Korean by Wonkyu Studios.
Extremely beautiful.
I wanna.
Labels: korea, wedding photos
Length of my love: 35mm

So. I'm finally gonna blog about the recent Bintan trip i had with the Lullababies.
This was taken in the ferry bound for Bintan.
You have no idea how embarrassing to stand up and walk all the way to the front and take a photo.
It was a walk of shame. 2 way.
But i like this photo. so 60s. in a way.
Ferry trip to bintan with the lullababies is very different from the one with s23.
all we girls do is camwhore and sleep. well they slept.

Now i can't really remember what we did on the first day.
I think we went lunch, took some ranch-looking photos and went for a swim.
then dinner @ oleh oleh.
I couldn't find that cheap seafood kelong s23 went to, so we had to eat @ oleh oleh, which is,
very expensive.
Gong gong is a must try.
Nope you don't eat your grandfather.
Gong gong is a local delicacy : sea snails

On the second day we did water sports!
well banana boat and kayaking,
banana boating is extremely tiring i realised!
and potentially life-threatening when the person about to fall in the water with you is v.strong and see friends' heads as floats and kick people in the tigh to stay afloat. DESPITE, being fully aware that she is wearing a lifejacket.

Kayaking was delightful.
i went back to the hotel room to get my camera and zipped it up in my ziplock bag, squeezed it under the vest and went out to sea! and got some pretty photos! :)

Really should have gone further into the sea.
But i promised my parents i will be back in one piece.
Gentleman's honour.

I don't like to be the photographer because i'm always not in the bloody pictures. :(
But i think mel and masu are ready to kill kittens for that bottle of water.
Someone shld stop uploading unglam videos eh.
upload pics from the banananananna boat!

Labels: bintan, holiday, lullababies
Movie Weekend!
This movie is incredibly long.
But with a close knitted story plot and amazing character developments,
You'll hardly notice it's 146min long.
If Viola Davis wasn't nominated the same time as Meryl Streep for The Iron Lady, she would have won the Oscar.
For sure.
Her portrayal of Aibileen Clark was so brilliant and believable that I was almost convinced she worked as a maid in the 1960s.
Watching her in interviews is so different.
She is poised, graceful, intellectual, and there is something in her voice that speaks conviction and compassion for people in similar plights, which is so precious.
Emma Stone is a pleasure to watch. She always is. From House Bunny to Easy A to the Help, she is always the gorgeous and likeable protagonist.
This girl can act. They're just not giving her roles that she can perform for.
Can't wait to see more breakout roles really.
But I'm still gonna run and watch her girl-next-door role in The Amazing Spider Man.
Octavia Spencer is hi to the larious in The Help.
You'll want to learn her patronising "mmm-hmm"(s) while watching the movie.
So contagious!
Bryce Dallas Howard makes me wanna kill her.
When a character makes me what to do that, she's pretty good!
I really liked her accent though, because it was SO annoying.
And the way her lips curl upwards when she emphasises on words is infuriating.
Lovely movie altogether.
It's a 9/10 if you're into dramas, and a zzz/10 if you're a hardcore fast and furious, death race, kinda person.
This is a movie for the soul.
He doesn't look like how he should in my fantasies. ><
I have the LONGEST crush on Tintin, since 3 years old until now.
I have no idea how warped my 3 years old mind must have been to like a guy with two fullstops for eyes and gravity defying wave fringe.
But hell yea i loved him.
It's a Spielberg and Peter Jackson production, so it's flawless.
Well it had one..abit of a flaw. I thought Captain Haddock's head is too big, and his nose was WAYY to blotchy.
And he is fatter than the Haddock in Hergé's comics.
Blastering Barnacles he needs to get a head reduction and a gym membership.
Seeing my childhood heroes coming to life is pretty cool.
So please watch it if you hear of/ liked/ loved TinTin.
If you haven't,
AAAAAAND.. he's dead.
It's pathetic how little screen time he had as compared to Joey.
But there is a reason why the film is titled War Horse and not War (Walking Sex).
hee. I've never referred to him as walking sex before. *SHY*
I tried looking for The Deep Blue Sea in Videoezy, but i failed.
and it is priced at $35+ on Ebay.sg
you'll love the horses.
Joey is a Chestnut with a star on his forehead and 4 white socks.
Topthorn, a marvellous blazing black steed. (i have no idea why i have the impression he is called Truffle)
It's an epic war film. By Spielberg!
So the cinematograph is amazing, everything just fits like a puzzle piece.
Epic film that broke my heart.
Labels: Movie Weekend
went for cathay cineplex interview today. just cuz i was too bored staying at home. haha. well the pay is pretty disappointing. $5 per hour. Not very enticing i would say. hmm but i didn't want to go there for nothing, so i still stayed for the interview.my dear mother has been nagging at me to get a job every single day during my holidays. I can't phantom what she will react when i am really unemployed (like got laid off frm my permanent job kinda)
Getting my photos tml! \(^O^)/ YAY!
then i'll blog about Bintan.
It's quite sad how boring holidays can get. There is absolutely nothing to do at home. It's just Facebook-> tumblr-> 9gag-> YouTube -> IMDB -> Movie Rental Store opposite house -> IMDB..
sad life really.
and 9gag is getting boring after a while. most of the stuff are not funny and extremely sick. No offense but, some 9Gaggers are EXTREMELY anal and annoying.. well, those who comment and post. i don't know how they can find a picture of a man in flames running from a chaotic riot dubbed with "i'm walking on sunshine.. oooo" funny. He is fucking getting burned alive! It's sad and upsetting! WTF is wrong with you?!
went for dance yst. heehee.
Allegra became darker! I missed her choreo!!!
when the "baby you light up my life"song came on I was like "omg that's my song if we are gonna freestyle i TOTALLY know what to do!"
I told my dear mumsie now i understood why some girls can fall in love with girls.
cuz Allegra has like more swag then all my guy friends combined. Like seriously.
m(_ _)m *bows down* -偶像!
I remember telling Celine maybe one day we shld make the I Love Allegra sign and wave it arnd during dance class.
she leaves me starstruck ALL. THE. TIME.
and then i had to spend the next 5min reassuring and my mum that i'm very much straight by bragging about Tom Hiddleston's achievements in a forced british accent. :D
Alright this is getting boring.
I should be watching War Horse tonight. :9
I'm thinking of a name for my Lomo
can't wait to get my photos on friday! yay!!! virgin experience shooting with a Lomo camera! i need to remind myself to strike off the "film camera" in my wishlist. oh lord i love my girliesposies. :D
*evil laugh
I'm not an alcoholic.
I just like how alcohol makes me feel. Feels like I am shut in an ice cage and made to swallow fire.
It doesn't feel very good, but i like it. :)
I loki'd a little girl in the supermarket today. Oh well i scared her on purpose.
She started it first.
She walked past me and looked at me in disdain, so I stared intently at her and threatened to chase her, and glaring daggers when i walked past. like seriously what is wrong with her.
I was a very likeable kid so i do not understand why.
I find the fear in her eyes oddly satisfying.
Dialogue with OML
Yep I'm obsessed with Tom Hiddleston this time. And I kind of know why I am so attracted to him. He is educated in Eton College, and graduated from Cambridge. Now why am i not surprised my favourite equestrian Alex was also educated in Eton College and graduated from Cambridge. I suppose they have that unique royal air about them that work their magic through my computer screen.
Eton College is almost the most prestigious boy school in the world. (I want my sons in there). The old system requires boys to be registered at birth by their fathers, most of them alumnus of the school themselves. Sons of Nobel price winners or Royalty are given privileges. Honestly speaking, prestige is my drug. Im so attracted to prestige that my life now seems like one pathetic excuse.
Anyway, back to the reason why i always have such strong attachment to movies or books i like. I realised it's because i longed to be part of something so amazing. When I was younger I waited for Hogwarts letter and taught myself spells from the book armed with a chopstick. When I got older i'm intrigued by convincing acting skills. I protected my ego from being shattered by myself by not admitting that i really, secretly, want to be an actress. It is always easier to dream. Dream about scripts and plots and the film set and how and where the camera should pan and shoot, dream about how the tears cascade down, dream about how lips caress nose tips and eyelashes flutter on cheeks. It's always easier to dream. It's not that i didn't try to work towards it. I did. It just didn't work out the way i would want it to.
I'm attracted to people who are so established and successful in their careers, who are so charismatic and amazing that i feel unworthy to even like them. Like who am I to adore them I will never be like them, incomparable success and achievements.
I have a solution for you though; You should keep that Phoenix shut in that silver cage forever, and let all your dreams die along with it. As long as you stop feeding it with your foolish ambitions, it will all fade away.
But you don't understand, i don't want to be told what to do what to think and what not to think. I don't want my life to be made using the same mould society uses to make everyone else's. I just want to show the world that the society don't own me, if I am to die, i would still want to be me.
oooo. It burns you to have come so close. To have put in so much effort, futile effort. And for what? You're still a failure, you mewling quim.
Yep you are right. No doubt about that. I rest my case.