I’m Awesomely retarded ☺


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Hi. I realised, in three days time, I'll turn 21, just like how BBF did.  

I must admit that I am really sad that I'll be bidding farewell to my "childhood+teenage hood+young adult hood"and enter into "ADULTHOOD"
But that's not the point. I will firmly believe that i'm still 5.
The point is, I still have no boyfriend. HAHA.

How unattractive must my 6-20years old self have been.. to have 0 boyfriends. 

That's sad because I do feel that I am rather attractive. 

But again that also means I never got heartbroken.. never engaged in ridiculous quarrels, or spend money on dates and all. pssh. I suppose that's the only upside about being single? Spend time observing couples and realising that they have lost their marbles, while you still have your sanity.

Well of course there are the unrequited "love" and "butterflies in stomach" and "heart-pumping actions", but that is nothing serious compared with really FALLING IN LOVE, then FALLING OUT OF LOVE. 

Love is such a tricky thing don't you think, 
"3 words, 8 letters and it might leave your heart in tatters"

L.O.V.E Posted On: Thursday 10 May 2012 @10:21

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