Personal Harem? I'll melt your ice.
Movies Worth Watching
I'm really bored on a bus ride home. After realizing that 60% of the guys I like are arnd my dad's age, I think there might be something wrong with me LOL. Nope. I think it's perfectly alright to feel attracted to a middle aged man especially when he is suave, successful, charismatic and talented. ^^ Furthermore, one do not only get sexually attracted to a person right?
Underrated Hotties.
Well, MOST kpop fangirls fangirl over guys who are either very handsome like Nichkhun or Suju's Donghae, or extremely fit like Taecyeon or uniquely hot like Gdragon or TOP.
I fangirl over these people
Lee Changmin (2AM)
Dae Sung (Big Bang)
I mean yep Changmin is definitely not as cute as Choi Changmin and Daesung is not as uniquely handsome as TOP, but both of them have amazing voices, voices that make me spasm and go into fits. Go listen to (HOMME) 밥만 잘 먹더라 for Changmin's vocals and BIGBANG - BLUE M/V for Daesung's.
*spasms and fits*
Labels: singers
George Clooney
Robert Downey Jr.
Park Si-Hoo 팍시후
Chan Jung Myung 천정명
Kim Jae Wook 김재욱
Bi Rain 정지훈
Eddie Shin 신승용
Robert Downey Jr is no.1 in my

in conclusion,
I like guys with small eyes.
I saw an illustration of Shirtless Rain in the library yst. That suddenly stirred up alot of memories woooo. I saranghae Rain! Mani mani! :D
At least I tried.
Marilyn Monroe
There are really no words to describe the sheer beauty of Marilyn Monroe, and Michelle Williams did a splendid job with her impeccable acting. Everyone has their interpretation of Marilyn, as for me, I do not think she is the sex kitten programming of the Illuminati. She's just a gorgeous gorgeous talented actress who wants to be happy doing what she loves.
To me she is a vulnerable child who is absolutely terrified of being alone.
This movie shows a different side of the story, a side hidden from the public. Behind that sexy brazen seductive facade is a scared kitten who longs to be cuddled.
Her love affair with Collin was very much innocent and sweet. She needed company, and he wanted so badly to be get closer to his goddess.
" First love is such sweet despair "
If I were a man, one memory with Marilyn is enough to satisfy me a life time.
breezers chill
Am i the only one that gets chills after drinking alcohol? Okay i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one :DI'm so cold now. ahhhh~
rather uneventful day apart from the fact that i went to church, which is always eventful. Even if I didn't feel it was eventful it'll turn out to be like one month later or something.
I salute all those stars, especially Amanda Seyfried to strut around in uber high heels, and even running in them.
I nearly died today.
And i ought to realise by now that i should live in a zoo instead of a normal house, since I'm an animal.
Things to be happy about #1
Sitting next to a nice smelling person :)(smells like sunshine, this one)
Call me ridiculous, call me petty, but right now I'm not ready to talk to you. Shooting games
I am just super amazed at these.
Richard's shooting gear. Like wah???
Budden i guess all professional photographers need so many lens.
You know what i shoot with? yep. that smallest one over there. heehee.
Does have its restrictions. Oh when i'm reach enough i'll buy a tele lens and take pictures of the sun.
The Hunger Games
This is the action of me pushing open the cinema door :)
and we went in minutes before Katniss VOLUNTEERed as tribute. A pretty apt time i would say. I didn't really want to watch her talking with Liam.
Jennifer Lawrence is breath-taking. She has broad shoulders, and a really slim waist. Awesome figure. Katniss walks like a man. haha.
I really have no idea how Peeta and Katniss got together.
Didn't feel any chemistry between them at all. All those gazing into each others' eyes and Peeta touching Katniss's wounds were " meh" for me.
That's why I kind of believe that Katniss never really liked Peeta in the first place. Especially Gale seemed much hotter and more useful. Haha.
Peeta is just strong, he is good in defence, but slightly less useful when it comes to attacking people? Because most of the other tributes have weapons and he doesn't. It's like a normal sized and better
looking hulk.
These are Dead people
They are from Districts 1 and 2, the most blood-thirsty and ruthless district. Basically they just look mean and irritating. But the Cato guy (tallest) is quite hot! Justina was drooling over him ^^
I think the first girl (Clove: District 1) is the girl that acted as Esther in Orphan: Isabelle Fuhrman.
She is so good at acting psychotic.
Feel the LOVE
The little girl at the front, her character is Rue from District 11. She. Is. So. ADORABLE.
Super pretty and cute. Her lashes are super thick and fans out like a doll. ahhhhhh.
But she died too.
It's an pretty amazing movie. Although the filming of the fighting and slashing is so unsteady and blur. I guess they are trying to keep it "clean" for children. But the mood was set and there were some freaky bloodshed. That is why i think Katniss and Peeta's "romance" was SO inappropriate and o.O and underdeveloped. I haven't read the book yet, so I'm read it to get the whole picture.
District 12's mentor Haymitch is NOT acted by Bill Cyrus. He is Woody Harrelson!
there are some crazy sound effects in the movies, prepare your heart after they put bulldog looking creatures in the woods.
Bless your heart.
Labels: jennifer lawrence, liam, peeta, the hunger games
사랑 ❤ 비
Look at how much pain he is in tearing his shirt like that.
It must have been REALLY REALLY HOT there.
ah i miss you so much Bi <3
Come back soon.
It's just a label
I don't think i can just keep quiet while ignorant people continue to sow discord among races.
When SMRT buses break down and the chinese driver insists on waiting for directions from the headquarters and hence delayed the commuters, youtube video names it: CHINA driver blah blah blah.
Horrible freak accident happen on the road; CHINA MAN...
I'm not standing up for Ma Chi, no way I would do that. Supposedly the woman in his car was his mistresses, he already ought to be shot.
My heart goes to the taxi driver and the passenger that lost their lives due to the negligence and carelessness of a drunk man. May your souls rest in peace.
What angered me are the brainless comments people make:
Rich PRCs - Drive Ferrari and beat red light causing innocent lives down.
Poor PRCs - Drive heavy vehicles in inapproprite lanes causing jams
Young PRCs - Take public transport and casuing public nuisance
Whore PRCs - Maybe someone can give good comment about this?
we singaporeans have been posting on this topic everywhere (even on twitter).
They think we singaporean easy get bully so they can do such things here. Most singapore does not aware that ALIENS is attacking us. #AvengersPleaseSaveUs
they are shit...coem sg kill singaporean and pap still def seriously...
always knew FTs were a social hindrance. further proves my point.
May i gently remind all those narrow-minded Singaporeans that Chinese are somehow your ancestors, because they part of the pioneers who built this country. Singaporeans are not saints who never make mistakes.
Remember Huang Na? The little girl that got raped and then left to die naked in a box? who's the murderer? What is the murderer's RACE? What is his CITIZENSHIP? Malaysian. So now all Malaysians deserve to die?
Remember the PRC prostitute who was murdered and cut up into pieces and then thrown into rivers? Who's the murderer? He is Singaporean. So now ALL singaporeans should die?
No one has the right to call any other people shit. Because people are just not equivalent to shit.
PRCs provide you with top quality service in MBS.
They change your bedsheets your pillows your towels and make sure you get a comfortable stay.
PRCs renovate your rooms and build buildings, along with other foreign talents because Singaporeans are too high class for these jobs.
PRCs make your la mian your xiao long bao your guo tie and your food. Get a Singaporean chef to manage a Lamian Xlb restaurant without PRCs, i dare you.
As for prostitution in Singapore, it's a multi-racial trade, regardless of race or citizenship.. oh right, regardless of age too. Apparently some Singaporean teachers have unique acquired tastes in women..and...girls (under18)
Rather than saying FTs (Foreign Talents i assume) are a social hindrance, I think the ABSENCE of them is more of a social hindrance. Why did the government defend them? Because Singapore needs them. Need I write an entire essay about how foreign talents invites more investments and economy will grow?
Well you are always welcomed to build your own shopping malls, hospitals, schools etc.
Marina Bay Sands
Marina Bay Sands. Just speaking these words make me quiver in delight. The prestige, the luxury, the good life~
Checking in was hilarious. There I was, acting all poised and rich and glamourous, while the bell boy and my mum hoisted our "luggage" on to the trolley, and this is how our baggage looked like.
This is the most I could do to salvage the photo. If not it'll look like it's right out of a day shopping in NTUC/ wet market eg.
You know I'm so stylish that all my plastic bags have brands. There are Siong. Seng, NTUC (somewhat like DKNY) and of course there is Robinsons and many other high end plastic bags.
I brought so much food that the bell boy couldn't be bothered to explain to me what the In room dining menu is about.
"and Miss Zhang, this is the In Room dining menu.. *looks at le branded plastic bags*... but I think you have sufficient food. :)"
And the moment he left I shook off my heels and jumped around in the room, singing
"OMG it's so pretty i'm gonna daiiiiii~"
It was the most awesome view ever. Pretty darn amazing.
This was taken in the morning @6:30am the next day
Slowly.. people arrived.
Lele and Kitty were the first!
Then Lullababies
Then my awkward korean family.
Finally these people can meet and share their craziness.
Had a little confessional "room" set up in the balcony so they can say whatever they want to me.
and yes BBF "my parents are watching this ^^"
I am not sure when i'll be brave enough to edit ALL the "footage" we captured that day.
Sounds like some animal planet documentary-
*What is shown is how this specific species of homo sapiens behave when one of them approaches adulthood*
The food was very nice (Dumplings, fruits, sushi, cake..). I didn't eat alot because I was busy laughing and I'm afraid if I did my dress will tear. :D
We played taboo.
BBF was such a disgrace because she kept helping the other team.
Then we camwhored like crazy.
Channeling their inner Lunatics
I love my Nikon tripod and Sirius (Canon DSLR)- Best photographer of the day
Then i brought Awkward Korean Family up the pool. We didn't even take photos. And we got lost and got praised by cute Japanese elderlies..
We are cute by Japanese standards! woooo!~
I was about to say domo arigatou gozaimasu, but the only thing that came to my mind after 10s was Kamsamhamnida. So i just bowed.
We had a very loving family drama in the lobby of the hotel, where i chased after Rachel (oppa) and ask him not to leave me. He just kept saying Ka (go away) and Christine (dongsaeng) and Amanda (Chagiya) has only one reply for me "Ka" It was so heart-wrenching a drama that strangers were appalled at how heart-wrenching it was.
Kitty and Lele went off pretty early. Didn't even bring them to the pool.
Then my awkward korean family left.
Then it was HAVOC time with Lullababies
Partying at the side of the pool (I refuse to crop)
Partying in the Room.
I have some very epic footages of BBF in action.
They are really hilarious. I really should upload them after I finish editing. HAHA.
Thank you so much people. Everybody who came. I'm super touched at how much time and effort yall put in for my presents. I loved every single one of them like they are my children...(drama effect)
I can't wait for another party like this.
(this is the action of looking forward to another party.)
Labels: 21st birthdays, awesome, friends, love, marina bay sands
mundane life
I woke up not knowing what to do today, so i ate some chocolate cake frm le party. so awesome.
Can't wait to go tuition today. Miss those crazy kids.
"teacher, happy birthday! you happy right? Tuesday don't give homework okay!"
I miss being up in the air.
Forever 21
I'm an adult now!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday darling.This marks your entry to the adulthood.
if you thought what you've been through is hard, what awaits you is beyond belief.
But you won't walk this alone.. remember that. :)
You have God, awesome parents, and so many friends beside you. THis is going to be awesome!
If you were trampled on, looked down upon, that's all in the past. Now it's time you brush those people aside like a baws, and with every step you take and every move you make, impress only God and and yourself. ⋯⋯(^.^)
You're such a good emotional worker, always trying to conceal your emotions, but do you know how my heart hurts when i see you cry. Sometimes i wish i can cry with you, cry till we're breathless and then burst out laughing.
I know you will rather slap them in the face and ask them what is this all about, but you can't.. because the world just doesn't work this way. Darling, they're not worth it. True friends are not like that.
If this friendship makes you feel weary and tired and irritated, that's not friendship, that's politics. Just let it go. They won't see your tears anyway.
You're a delicate flower, so don't try to be a fern. oh well, but you can still be a rose, with thorns, and if anyone dares to hurt you, prick them in the crotch. hard. muahaha.
Happy birthday my little idiot,
I love you.
Marc Johns- Classy
Labels: marc johns
Stuffed memories
I watched a documentary show on stuffing dead animals to make specimens of them.It was really interesting! Let me tell you more
- Once your pet bird/dog/chicken/monkey dies, freeze them immediately.
- If yout pet bird/dog/chicken/monkey, especially bird, are not losing hair and decomposition have yet started, then experts are able to make them into specimens.
- Experts make a vertical incision large enough at the belly.
- after separating the skin with the muscles, experts need to take out the whole structure of the bird. including the head and the eyeballs. (i really don't know how they do that! le pigeon's head is so freaking small)
- Now, your dead pet bird/dog/chicken/monkey looks like a glove. (it's freakily cute)
- after smearing the insides of the "glove" with arsenic, because arsenic kills dust mites that feed off feathers/fur/hair, the stuffing begins
- cotton is rolled up to mimic the structure of muscles, and placed side by side, and then stacked up to fill up the "glove", giving your dead pet bird/dog/chicken/monkey it's original shape.
- then the skeleton is made with wires. (they are experts for a reason. they know the bone structure of ALL the animals)
- Sewing
- glass/plastic eye balls are painted according to how your pet bird/dog/chicken/monkey's look like
- After deciding it's final position, such as whether your pet bird/dog/chicken/monkey would be spreading it's wings or folding them, the expert makes final touches
- next is the arranging of each stand of feather. (O.O)
- you can live with your dead pet bird/dog/chicken/monkey forever
- Specimens 100 years old are still in good conditions
- Hence it's likely that after you died, your pet bird/dog/chicken/monkey is still alive
I don't think it's a good idea to stuff humans? damn freaking creepy. worse than wax statues.
yea easy for me to say o.o
Hi. I realised, in three days time, I'll turn 21, just like how BBF did. 

I must admit that I am really sad that I'll be bidding farewell to my "childhood+teenage hood+young adult hood"and enter into "ADULTHOOD"
The point is, I still have no boyfriend. HAHA.
How unattractive must my 6-20years old self have been.. to have 0 boyfriends.
But again that also means I never got heartbroken.. never engaged in ridiculous quarrels, or spend money on dates and all. pssh. I suppose that's the only upside about being single? Spend time observing couples and realising that they have lost their marbles, while you still have your sanity.
Well of course there are the unrequited "love" and "butterflies in stomach" and "heart-pumping actions", but that is nothing serious compared with really FALLING IN LOVE, then FALLING OUT OF LOVE.
Love is such a tricky thing don't you think,
"3 words, 8 letters and it might leave your heart in tatters"
Big boobs's birthday! :D
Weee! A very happy TWENTY FIRST birthday to BBF! (Big Boobs Friend) :DBBF I wish your wishes come true and want to gently remind you that you're OLD :D
I WENT ICESKATING AGAIN AFTER 3 YEARS! with the same awesome person i skated with 3 years ago.. and she forgot everything I taught her. But it was very enjoyable being her "knight in shiny armour".
I don't really like the rental skates though. They feel so plastic-ish and rollerblades-ish.
Went to town to shop, and was forced to go Abercrombie & Fitch. My eyes were violated by half naked men. "naked half mens.- inside joke" I am not sure how anyone can stay in that shop for so long. It's like so dim and the cologne is overwhelming. T.T
Because it was BBF's birthday, SHE GET TO EAT ANYTHING SHE WANTED,so we went to PARADISE DYNASTY.
Colourful Xiao Long Baos! (v.weird flavours tho- foie gras, cheese, ginseng, garlic)
I ate the crab roe (orange) and original one. YUMMY!
My 抄手拌面.
Dry and very spicy! so i ghoped Meow's soup. Very yummy!
Smelly Meow!~
Best memories from my RV life!
Labels: 21st birthdays