Sometimes I wonder why I bother with friendship when all I want to do is take the knife you plunged into my back and stick it in your eye. Like bitch youre messing with the wrong person. You're exactly the kind of person that makes me sad. What's your deal seriously. If this friendship doesnt build but tears down instead I suggest you stand aside and let me politely slam the door in your face as I make my exit.
What's your problem woman?!
Feel my wrath.
Wtf. Posted On: Friday, 22 November 2013 @22:33
Healing, one bowl of beef phõ at a time.
Blah. Posted On: Wednesday, 13 November 2013 @22:06
Sorry me.
Truth is I let myself fall far deeper then I expected. I never should let myself get this attached. Sorry me. Sorry heart.
Sorry me. Posted On: Tuesday, 12 November 2013 @22:27
如果爱情这件事不这样无声无息的走进心里,再歇斯底里的闯出来, 我真他妈的不会这样的挣扎。
如果没有遇见你, 该多好。
Posted On: Sunday, 10 November 2013 @23:11
I don't need him to be rich, I don't need him to drive a ferrari or a Lamborghini,
I just need someone with that raw passion for adventure.
If there's a big hole in the ground, I don't need him to pull me aside and say
"hey that looks dangerous, let's go around it."
I want him to jump across successfully, hold out his hand, look me straight in the eyes and say
"Trust me."
I already have my dad to worry about my safety, so I really don't need another guy to do the same.
True, someone like that may actually kill me, but hey i'm still young, I can't tame this crazy heart.
Nikki Giovanni said that we love, because it's the only true adventure.
What is love without deep kisses, impromptu adventures, midnight swims and rambling conversations under the stars?
Because those breathless moments, are the evidence that you have truly loved.
Posted On: Saturday, 9 November 2013 @05:01

You had my heart in your hand and you played it, and you played it to the beat.
Posted On: Tuesday, 1 October 2013 @19:41
oh get out get out oh out of my head
and let me study for my exams instead.
Posted On: Wednesday, 24 October 2012 @20:25
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